"Notes, Sketches, and Records" ("Zametki, Zapisi, Shtrikhi"), "Glas", Moscow, 1997, 190 pp. New poems of 1996-1997 and collection of the poet's responses to films by Otar Ioseliany, Marlen Khutsiev, Nikita Mikhalkov ("Burned with the Sun"), rememberings about Boris Chichibabin, Yuri Karabchievskii, contemplation about tragic Russian realities and personal impossibility to emigrate, and the chapter "Let us Talk!" about impoverishing of people's souls in modern civilization which led to the loss of ability to communicate, to the loss of interest in poetry etc. The essay "On Advantage of a Tail over Coccyx" reminds a reader of the most natural and most emotional "wordless" forms of communication. |